Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012

ZLS by Cecen - Part 2

Chapter 2


Finally! Sampe juga di flat baru. Belum beres-beres. Great. I’m so tired now-__- Gara-gara tadi ketemu sama Mr. Tom dan Jordan 2 jam sendiri, padahal masih jetlag. Yang penting urusan beasiswa beres! Well, I forgot to introduce Jordan. Dia senior aku di kampus. We met accidentally hehe I met him on omegle 1 year ago. Sooo we’re friends now! He’s like my big brother :’) Let me describe him. His hair is brunette, same like me. His eyes...I think he has a slant eyes. He has beautiful green eyes. And he always wears glasses. I don’t know why, but he always said that his sight is bad. Oh I think I know the perfect words to describe him. He looks like Cameron Mitchell. Yep, the fabulous Cameron Mitchell. Well, Cameron also has a slant eyes, hasn’t he? But he’s not Cameron, haha he’s Jordan. Jordan Coldside, the only person I knew in this country. OH! I forget something important, Jordan’s voice is a-ma-zing.
Aku duduk di sofa dan mau nyalain tv hape aku bunyi. JordanCold! Xx calling...

“You supposed to sleep now!” Belom juga aku nyapa dia udah ngomong duluan-___-

“Hehe. And why are you calling?”

“I’m just checking. Go to sleep NOW! And then meet me in McD near your flat at 3 p.m.”

“Okay...” Aku melirik jam di meja. Well, masih jam 12, ada waktu buat tidur.

“Go to sleep NOW!” he shouted and hang up the phone geezz.

Ok tidur di sofa aja dah...


Hello. My name is Sara Jessica Larsen. I’m 18 years old now wuhoooo! Aku dapet beasiswa untuk kuliah di UK. My luck. 3 months ago, my dad passed away. Dia punya penyakit kanker. Berbulan-bulan koma di rumah sakit. Dan semenjak itu aku jadi benci rumah sakit. HAHA aneh ya-__-

Ok forget about my dad, I mean, aku gasuka ngomongin masa lalu. My father taught me to face the future and not look back in the past. I’m mixed, ibuku orang Indonesia dan ayahku orang Amerika. Tapi ayah di makamkan di Indonesia, dengan alasan, grandma
& grandpa;enggak mau dibayang-bayangi ayah terus. Since my father passed away, we moved to US, and now I’m in UK for study.


McDonalds, 3.15 p.m

“Um...jadi pingin kerja part-time.” Jangan tanya kenapa! Tiba-tiba pingin aja ngeliat mbak-mbak di McD...kayaknya asik gitu. Nah Jordan kesedak gara-gara aku bilang gitu.


“Hey calm down.” Aku menepuk-nepuk punggungnya.

“Ah I know, you gotta be kidding.”

“No I’m not kidding. Lumayan buat nambah penghasilan dan pengalaman.” Kataku nyomot french fries-nya Jordan.

“You’re not old enough.”

“I’m 18. And I’m old enough.”

“No you’re not!” He still argued me.

“Oh. Try me?” aku gemes dan langsung beranjak ke booth pesen makanan.

“Hey where are you going?” I didn’t answer that and keep walking. Pas udah sampe di booth
buat pesen makanan.
“Um excuse me, Miss. Can you help me?”


Aku diterima kerja part-time di McD. Yeppie! Gajinya lumayan buat tambah-tambah. Tapi Jordan masih agak ngambek aku part-time disana. Gak tau kenapa dia gak setuju, alasannya ya karena aku belom cukup umur-_- It doesn’t make a sense, isn’t it?

“Hey...” sapaku pas ada break di kampus. Aku liat Jordan lagi main gitar di taman kampus.

“Oh hey.” Flat :/

“Still mad?” I sat next to him.

“I’m not mad.” Still flat and his eyes focus on his guitar. I hate when I talk to someone and they’re not looking back at me. Seriously.

“You know what? I hate when I talk to someone and they’re not looking back at me. Have I told you before?”
Dia mendongak. Taddaaa berhasil haha. He just staring at me so I give a-confused-and-‘so’- look.

“Can you just respect my opinion?” Nah dia ngambek bener kan.

“I try. But can you just respect my decision?” Skak mat. Dia hanya diam dan memandangiku.
“With one condition.”

“What is it?” I dare.

“Sing with me.”


“And post it on youtube.”

“DOUBLE WHAT??BUT--.” You know what? Aku gasuka nyanyi. Tapi kalo dengerin musik demen ba
nget. Gak tau kenapa. Soalnya suaraku jelek._.

“No but. Lets do it.” He said pulling out his laptop from his bag.

“Now?? In here??”



“I said, no but. C’mon!” Ok dia udah buka camera-nya dan klik record. Holy fudgecakes.

“Hello guys! I’m Jordan
Coldside, and this is my best girl,” dia menoleh minta aku buat ngenalin diriku. Ok calm down Sara. Act cool act cool.

“I’m Sara Larsen.” I smiled. Fake smile actually-__-

“We’re here to sing a song, called Two Is Better Than One by Boys Like Girl ft Taylor Swift.” He smile

“Hope you guys like it.” Dan mulai mainin gitarnya. Oke tarik napas buangggg. Act cool Sara!!
(Bayangin suara/coveran mereka kayak gini guys, tapi wajahnya enggak ya._. yang cowok kayak Cameron Mitcheel, kalo gatau google it. Bayangin aja : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hBZeYxb290)


Kerja kerja kerja its time to work! Kata Jordan dia gak ngambek lagi asalkan aku mau diajak nyanyi dan di post di youtube lagi kapanpun dia mau. Kurang maksa apa coba? Well, katanya cover-an kemarin udah 987,576 viewers. Wow close to 1 million! Dan...oh ya. Ada satu syarat lagi, katanya kalo mau kerja dan pulang Jordan mau ngantar jemput. Aku gak nyuruh sih, tapi dia maksa-__- My big brother :’) How sweet :’)

“Pick me at 5 o’clock?” Kataku sambil melepas seatbelt.

“Ok. Um... Sara?” He grabs my hand, stop
ping me.

“What?” He didn’t answer me. He keep biting his lips.

“Whattt? Hello??” I replay. Raising my eyebrows.

“Um no. Nothing. Just...be safe. Bye.”

“Okaaayy? Bye.” Aku membuka pintu mobil dan berlari kecil lewat pintu belakang.

“Hellloooo Prissy! What’s up?” Kataku kepada Prissy setelah ganti pakaian. She’s 40 years old but she’s nice. I like her.

“Hey! Ohya kamu sekarang gantiin aku ya. I have to go now. My daughter...she’s on hospital right now.”


“No worries baby. She’s fine. Eh I don’t know but I’m sure she’s fine. Byee.”

“Okay bye! Take care!” I shouted. God bless them. I met her daughter once, and she’s really really really nice.

Aku berjalan ke booth makanan gantiin Prissy. Lagi sepi sih, tapi dari pintu depan aku melihat cowok pake topi, kacamata, jaket hitam, dan pake syal. Ha. Nyeremin asli. Well, he’s getting closer now. I’m paranoid. Closer and closer. And...he’s right in front of me. Ok calm down Sara. Smile..

“Good afternoon, Sir. Can I help you?” I said. Hope my voice’s not tremble.
“Sara? Sara Larsen?”

Sorry for bad grammar :/ I’m still learning :/
Ok guys, thanks for reading. I’m glad you like it
Btw, big thanks to my team @1Dindo_FF for helping me finish this chapter.
Thanks to Novi, Shafa, Ghina, Una, Elin, Fira, Nia, Amel, Farra, Cheel, and Jessi.
Next chapter? Review from you guys means a lot.
-Vincentia xxx

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